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Auroom Saunas

Minimalist Design That Clears the Mind

Is design just for pleasing the eye? No, the truth is that good design can help put the mind in a more relaxed state. With the saunas in our Auroom sauna collection, your mental health improves before you even start your sauna. 

These Auroom sauna options offer a low-energy demand setup that’ll save you money. You get the purifying heat of a traditional sauna and an exterior design that won’t give you a headache and energy requirements that won’t hurt your wallet.

Cozy and Private

The exterior design of the saunas in our Auroom sauna collection aims to serve the privacy-first ethos that embodies this collection. A stress-free and fulfilling sauna experience can only be achieved when you don’t have to worry about others. 

As the adage goes, out of sight and out of mind; an Auroom sauna accomplishes just that by featuring a closed-off design. It makes it much more difficult for someone to catch a glimpse of you, keeping your privacy intact and helping you achieve peace of mind. 

Multi-Level Seating

Even the Auroom sauna options designed for one individual come with multi-level seating. Multi-level seating is perfect for helping you find the right spot that fits your body or posture. 

The larger saunas within this collection also have this feature, which doubles as more seating options for any guests or loved ones you may have over. 

You’ll find all kinds of varied designs not just within our Auroom sauna collection but our entire site. Fortunately, finding the perfect sauna for you is easy; in fact, with our sauna quiz, all it takes is a couple of minutes.

Auroom Saunas Built for Privacy

For those who value privacy and want to rejuvenate their skin without worrying about leaving the comfort of their home, this Auroom sauna collection is for you. Need more information? We’ve developed this quick Auroom sauna guide to help answer any questions.